Books full of Bahujan perspective and ideology in the World Book Fair, for you

Forward Press is once again present at the World Book Fair from 10-18 February. During the fair, Sudhi Pathak can view the books of our publication at stall number M-27 of Hall No. 2. Apart from this, we have also made special arrangements to help bulk buyers.
Forward Press is a well-known name in the field of Dalit-Bahujan theory and ideology. In order to expand the Bahujan viewpoint and ideology in the modern Indian perspective, we have published the works of revolutionary thinkers like Jotirao Phule, Savitribai Phule, Kabir, Periyar etc. in high quality. Important among these are the books equipped with reference notes – Destruction of Caste, Slavery and Riddles of Hinduism – apart from F.E., who is considered to be the most authentic book on the history of Kabir. KE’s famous book ‘Kabir and Kabirpanth’, which has been translated by Kanwal Bharti.
Regarding this book which covers Kabir in its entirety, Kanwal Bharti writes that “Till now we have seen Kabir from the Hindu point of view, from the Muslim point of view and also from the point of view of Dalit thinkers; But Kabir Saheb was evaluated for the first time from the point of view of Christian thinking, probably by the British scholar F.E. Keay (Frank Ernest Keay), who was a clergyman, and who chose Kabir as the subject for his ‘doctorate’ from the University of London. He wrote this thesis in the 1920s. Later he published this thesis with some amendments under the title ‘Kabir and His Followers’. This is the best text written in English on the life and principles of Kabir, which has been translated into Hindi for the first time.”
Our two books carrying forward Phule’s thoughts are very special. One – ‘Slavery under the guise of Brahminism’ and the other – ‘Savitrinama: The complete literature of Savitribai Phule’. The works written in the original Marathi by Savitribai Phule have been translated into Hindi by Ujjwala Mhatre. In the introduction to this book, late Bahujan thinker Prof. Hari Narke has quoted that “The way Savitribai provided support, cooperation and companionship to Jotirao throughout his life was extraordinary and incomparable. The ideal of equality of men and women and peaceful companionship of both, presented by the Phule couple, is beyond the boundaries of time and place. The intensive efforts made by both of them for education, social justice, caste eradication and ending the dominance of the priestly class were not only great in the past, they show us the way even today.”
In the series of translated books, we are presenting Prof. Kancha Ilaiya Shepard’s very popular book ‘Towards Hindutva-free India’. This book has crossed the peak of popularity in a short time. Highlighting the important contribution of the Dalit-Bahujan community to modern civilization, this book draws a sketch of an India in which the end of supremacy lies. In this book Prof. Shepard proposes that “the first major agenda of a Hindutva-free India is to build a grassroots spiritual democratic base. For this, the Dalit-Bahujans of India will have to move towards a religious structure that guarantees their right to spiritual equality and towards systems that guarantee equal spiritual rights. For this, the Dalit-Bahujan civil society must muster courage and confidence to fight Brahminism and its own internal idolatry, because even the Dalit-Bahujan castes have not come out of Brahministic idolatry.”
Apart from this, among the translated books, Catherine Mayo’s well-known work ‘Mother India’ will be successful in attracting the attention of the readers this time too. Kanwal Bharti’s tireless hard work has not only made this book important, but has also helped in taking the Dalit discourse in a new direction in the current era. This book undoubtedly shows the picture of India of the 1920s, but it is also a mirror in which today’s India can see its own picture.
Forward Press especially underlines the importance of Dalit-Bahujan ideology and its expansion. In this sequence, we are again bringing JV Pawar’s book on the history of the Dalit Panther movement in the early 1970s. This book will be available at our stall in Hindi and English. Through this book, readers will be able to know how the Ambedkarite movement deviated from its duty after Ambedkar’s death and how enthusiastic Dalit youth like JV Pawar, Raja Dhale and Namdev Dhasal started a movement which, in a short time, transformed Mumbai. The rulers from Delhi to Delhi were jolted out of their slumber by protesting against the atrocities against Dalits.
Forward Press has been giving importance to the relevance of Bahujan literature. In this sequence, we published Premchand’s Bahujan stories. Through the selected stories of Premchand, our readers will be able to understand the Bahujan discourse in British period Indian literature. Its compiler and editor is Subhash Chandra Kushwaha.
At the same time, the book ‘Electoral Politics of Bihar’, which explores the roots and consequences of social justice in Indian politics, will definitely be liked by those readers who want to understand social justice in relation to electoral history. In the present times, this book is capable of answering many political questions.
Courtesy: Forward press
Note: This news is originally published in and is used solely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights