Special camp held for transgenders in Faridabad

Provided with Aadhaar, voter cards
Faridabad, In the first camp of its kind, the district administration has facilitated the benefit of providing identity documents such as Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), Aadhaar cards and Voter ID cards, and free health check-ups for the members of the transgender community in the district.
Around 150 people availed the facility in the camp that was held at the HSVP Convention Hall in Sector 12 on Friday.
Deputy Commissioner (DC) Vikram Singh said a majority of them had failed to get the IDs and had not been able to avail the benefit of various government schemes.
He said though 18 persons had already registered as voters from the community, a majority of them had not been able to apply for bank loans and other benefits as they did not have proper documents.
The department officials also addressed complaints regarding the errors in their applications.
DC Yadav said more camps could be held in future in case of need.
Courtesy : The Tribune
Note: This news piece was originally published in thetribune.com and used purely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Right