In Kannauj, a woman was beaten by throwing her on the ground, VIDEO: A young man had brought a Dalit girl, there was pressure for religious conversion.

A video of a woman being brutally beaten in Kannauj is going viral, in which a young man is seen beating the woman with kicks and punches. Along with the young man, another woman also beat him by holding his hair and then tried to kill him by strangulating him.
It is being told that a young man from a particular community had brought a girl from another religion with him and then beats her up to force her to convert. The video of the woman being beaten has been reported to be from Sarai village of Naurangpur outpost area of Gursahaiganj Kotwali.
A young man and a woman are seen beating another woman badly. Someone made a video of the fight in the village street, which is going viral. It was told that the young man who beat the woman was a Muslim and he had brought the Dalit girl away. After keeping them together for a few days, pressure was put on the girl to convert to religion.
Police detained the young man
When he refused to convert, the young man started beating him. The girl is harassed and beaten every day. After the video of the assault went viral, Naurangpur outpost police took the youth into custody. However, the police is not ready to say anything regarding this matter.
Courtesy: Hindi News